—Covid-19 Impact page—
Since 2017 Toorak Fine Watches has proudly served the Stonington area with over 2000 satisfied customers on record. Since opening we have endeavored to maintain the highest possible standard within our operating capabilities and given the difficulties that are concurrent with an ever diminishing supply of spare parts and skilled technicians in the independent horological business scope. Our business model does not leave much margin for error in 'normal' operating conditions. Faced now, with 'new normal' or 'temporary normal'
we would like to update our valued customers on any existing work/ trading and list the best possible plan to finalizing any problems going forward (from our customer service standpoint).
As most reading this would know, Our store at 495 Toorak Rd is no more as it has recently been demolished for a new development. While we have been in negotiations and mediation with the Landlord, Real estate agents and government agencies the construction went ahead with much of our parts, fitting and equipment still in the shop not to mention customer goods and our documentation and literature which cannot be replaced.
We have seriously considered making use of the legislation in place that would make it simple to wind up our company and business. In fact, this option makes the most commercial sense given the difficulties we anticipate in continuing to operate and resolve any existing work. And, this may still happen. While we attempt to recover from the effects of the Covid-19 lockdowns and demolition of our physical premises we have decided not to invest in a new business premesis for the time being.